Frequently Asked Questions - purchasing eBooks and Access Codes
Q: How can I purchase eBooks and access codes from CEI?
A: Purchasing eBooks and access codes from CEI is simple. All you need to do is search through our collection of digital products, find your course materials, and make the purchase.
Q: What should I know before purchasing digital course materials?
A: Since most digital products are non-returnable, it's essential to know exactly what you need for your course. Some courses may require access codes for online homework and quizzes that you need to complete the course. If you're unsure about the required course materials, contact your instructor for clarification.
Q: What is the difference between an eBook and an access code?
A: An eBook is a digital copy of a textbook or custom course material. eBooks purchased through CEI can only be read through Bibli-U, a free software platform that can be used on your desktop or mobile device.
Q: What is the difference between an eBook and an access code?
A: An eBook is a digital copy of a textbook or custom course material. eBooks purchased through CEI can only be read through Bibli-U, a free software platform that can be used on your desktop or mobile device.
An access code is like a subscription to a course-specific website that includes what you need for your class. Access codes usually expire after a specific period and may or may not include an eBook. Carefully read the product description before making your purchase.
Q: Are digital materials returnable?
A: No, most digital materials, including eBooks, are non-returnable due to copyright laws.
Q: Are there any limitations on printing and copying digital materials?
A: Yes, publishers typically impose restrictions on printing and copying digital text due to copyright laws.
Q: How can I search for and purchase the required course materials?
A: Simple. You can search by title, author, or keyword on the CEI website. Always use the ISBN if you have it. Your instructor or course description will provide you with the details you need.
Q: What is the process after adding course materials to my basket?
A: Once you have added your course materials to your basket, proceed to the checkout process to complete the purchase. Once complete, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your materials. The email may also include links to download any required software and information on how to contact support if needed.
Q: Should I keep a copy of my receipt?
A: Yes, it is essential to keep a copy of your receipt. The receipt includes important information about the product you have purchased.