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Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-1: Solve Trades Mathematical Problems

Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-1: Solve Trades Mathematical Problems
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Essential skills are used in every job to varying degrees and at different levels of complexity. They provide the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve in their jobs and adapt to changes in the workplace. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects. Special thanks to CAPER-BC ( for creating the audio recording for each Competency. Copyright Notice: Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-1: Solve Trades Mathematical Problems by Camosun College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.