The following organizations are actively publishing eBooks and eCoursePacks through Campus eBookstore. Click the name of the publisher to see some of their available titles.
- A Good Idea Publications (A Good Idea Publications)
- AB + Publications
- Academic Advantage (Academic Advantage)
- Algonquin College Press (Algonquin College)
- ALMA Edizioni srl (ALMA Edizioni srl)
- American Mathematical Society (American Mathematical Society)
- American Technical Publishers
- BarCharts Publishing, Inc. (BarCharts Publishing, Inc. )
- BCIT Bookstore (British Columbia Institution of Technology)
- Bookhug Press (Bookhug Press)
- Bricks Books (Brick Books)
- Broadview Press
- Brush Education
- Cambridge University Press
- Campus Bookstore (University of Windsor)
- Campus eBookstore
- Campus eBookstore Publisher Sample
- Canadian CourseReadings (Canadian CourseReadings)
- Canadian Scholars/Women's Press
- Canadian Society for Education through Art (University of Victoria)
- Capilano University Bookstore (Capilano University)
- CAT Publishing Company (CAT Publishing Company)
- CCI Learning Solutions Inc. (CCI Learning Solutions Inc.)
- Channel View Publications Ltd (Channel View Publications Ltd)
- Coach House Books
- Cooper Books Inc.
- CPA-National Resources Inc. (CPA-National Resources Inc.)
- Culinary Nutrition Publishing LLC
- CWB Group
- Dementia: Understanding the Journey
- Donald Mathewson (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)
- ECW Press Ltd. (ECW Press Ltd.)
- Edvantage Interactive (Edvantage Interactive)
- eFuel Partners Inc. (Leadership Publishing House)
- Fernwood Publishing Co. Ltd (Fernwood Publishing Co. Ltd)
- Formac Lorimer Books
- Franklin, Beedle and Associates Inc.
- Gelassenheit Publications, Ltd. (Gelassenheit Publications, Ltd.)
- Globe Pequot Publishing (Rowman & Littlefield, Inc)
- Hackett Publishing Company (Hackett Publishing Company)
- Highland Press (Highland Press)
- Human Kinetics Canada
- Individual Learning Modules (ILM)
- Inez D Inc (Inez D Inc)
- Iowa State University Book Store (Iowa State University)
- Ivey Business School Foundation
- Jake's co-op (Vanier Co-op) (Vanier College)
- Jarrell Books (Jarrell Books)
- Judith A. Colbert - Fairmeadow Publishing
- Kendall Hunt Publishing (Kendall Hunt Publishing)
- Langara Bookstore (Langara College)
- Language Text Publishers, LLC (Language Text Publishers, LLC)
- LexisNexis Canada Inc. (LexisNexis Canada Inc.)
- Life and Death Matters
- Login Canada Ltd. (Login Canada Ltd.)
- Mason Kadem (Mason Kadem)
- McGill-Queens University Press (McGill-Queens University Press)
- McGraw-Hill Ryerson
- McMaster University Campus Store (McMaster University)
- Melbourne University Publishing (Melbourne University)
- Metonymy Press (Éditions Métonymy, SENC) (Metonymy Press (Éditions Métonymy, SENC))
- Natural Curiosity at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School (University of Toronto (OISE))
- Nelson Education Ltd.
- New Society Publishers Ltd. (New Society Publishers Ltd.)
- North Island College Campus Store (North Island College Campus Store)
- Northrose Educational Resources (Northrose Educational Resources)
- Northview Print (Northview Print)
- Nugent Training and Consulting Services
- Olivia Hill Press Inc. (Olivia Hill Press Inc.)
- Open Educational Resources
- OSU Beaver Store
- Oxford University Press Canada
- Paladin Publications
- Palimpsest Press (1171 Eastlawn Ave)
- Pearson Education Canada
- Pembroke Publishers Limited (Pembroke Publishers Limited)
- Playwrights Canada Press
- Portage and Main Press
- Publication Studio Guelph
- Quispam Publishing (Quispam Publishing)
- Radix Antiqua Publishing (Radix Antiqua Publishing)
- Ray Farnere (Vancouver Island University Bookstore)
- Rocks Mills Press (Rocks Mills Press)
- Rogue Publishing
- Royal Roads University Bookstore (Royal Roads University Bookstore)
- Sagamore Publishing LLC (Sagamore Publishing LLC)
- Sage Publishing
- SDC Publications (SDC Publications)
- SFU Bookstore (Simon Fraser University)
- Simon Fraser University Publications (Simon Fraser University)
- Sport Manitoba Inc (Sport Manitoba Inc)
- Summer Publishing LLC
- The Campus Bookstore at Queen's University (Queen's University)
- The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy)
- The Critical Thinking Consortium (The Critical Thinking Consortium)
- The Duck Store (University of Oregon)
- Top Hat eText
- UBC Press
- Understand Publishing
- University Book Store Inc (University of Washington)
- University of Alberta Bookstore (University of Alberta)
- University of Alberta Press
- University of Calgary Bookstore (University of Calgary )
- University of Lethbridge Bookstore (University of Lethbridge)
- University of Manitoba Bookstore
- University of Manitoba Press (University of Manitoba Press)
- University of Regina Press (University of Regina)
- University of Victoria Bookstore (University of Victoria)
- UPEI Bookstore (University of Prince Edward Island)
- Vancouver Island University Campus Store (Vancouver Island University)
- Véhicule Press
- Vibrant Air Music (Vibrant Air Music)
- WD Publishing (WD Publishing)
- Western Bookstore (Western University)
- Wiley (Wiley)
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press (Wilfrid Laurier University Press)
- Xerox Canada Ltd
To learn more about publishing digital course materials with Campus eBookstore, please visit our Publishers area of this website.