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A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB by Serhat Beyenir, British Columbia Institute of Technology
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Shakespeare
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective by James Don Edwards, University of Georgia, Roger H. Hermanson, Georgia State University, Susan D. Ivancevich, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Active Calculus 2017 ed by Matthew Boelkins, David Austin, Steven Schlicker, Boelkins
Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 2 by Wendy Tagami, Liz Girard
Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 1 by Wendy Tagami, Liz Girard
Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 3 by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 4 by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 5 by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami , Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 6 by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
Algebra and Trigonometry: OpenStax by Jay Abramson, Arizona State University
Algorithms and Data Structures by Jurg Nievergelt, Klaus Hinrichs
American Government 1e: OpenStax by Glen Krutz, University of Oklahoma, Sylvie Waskiewicz
American Government 2e: Openstax by Glen Krutz (Content Lead), University of Oklahoma Krutz
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Analytical Chemistry 2.0 by David Harvey (DePauw University)
Anatomy and Physiology: OpenStax by J. Gordon Betts, Tyler Junior College, Peter DeSaix, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Eddie Johnson, Central Oregon Community College, Jody E. Johnson, Arapahoe Community College, Oksana Korol, Aims Community College, Dean H. Kruse, Portl
Androcles and the Lion by George Bernard Shaw
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Annajanska, The Bolshevik Empress by George Bernard Shaw
Apology, Crito And Phaedo of Socrates by Plato
Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw
Astronomy 2e Openstax by Andrew Fraknoi, David Morrison, Sidney Wolff FRAKNOI
Astronomy OpenStax by Andrew Fraknoi, Foothill College, David Morrison, NASA Ames Research Center, Sidney C. Wolff, National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Augustus Does His Bit by George Bernard Shaw
Back to Methuselah by George Bernard Shaw
Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management by go2HR, The BC Cook Articulation Committee
Basics of Fluid Mechanics by Genick Bar-Meir, Ph. D, Potto Project
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 1 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 2 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 3 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 4 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 5 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 6 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 1 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 2 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 3 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 4 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 5 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 6 by Shantel Ivits, Vancouver Community College
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Biology 2e - OpenStax by Mary Ann Clark, Matthew Douglas, Jung Choi Clark
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Brief Calculus by Benjamin Crowell, Light and Matter
British Columbia in a Global Context by Arthur Green, Okanagan College, Siobhan McPhee, University of British Columbia, Aviv Ettya, University of the Fraser Valley, Britta Ricker, Simon Fraser University, Cristina Temenos, Simon Fraser University
Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate by Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Business Communication for Success by University of Minnesota Libraries' Publishing Services (Adapted version)
Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook by Jean-Paul Olivier Olivier
Caesar and Cleopatra by George Bernard Shaw
Calculus - Early Transcendentals by David Guichard, Neal Koblitz, University of Washington, H. Jerome Keisler
Calculus Volume 1: OpenStax by Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edwin “Jed” Herman, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Calculus Volume 2: OpenStax by Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edwin “Jed” Herman, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Calculus Volume 3: OpenStax by Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institue of Technology, Edwin “Jed” Herman, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Calculus-Based Physics I by Jeffrey W. Schnick, Ph.D., Saint Anselm College
Calculus-Based Physics II by Jeffrey W. Schnick, Ph.D., Saint Anselm College
Canadian History: Post-Confederation 1st Ed by John Douglas Belshaw, Thompson Rivers University
Canadian History: Post-Confederation 2nd Ed by John Douglas Belshaw Belshaw
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation by John Douglas Belshaw, Thompson Rivers University
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation by John Douglas Belshaw Belshaw
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation – 2nd ED by John Douglas Belshaw Belshaw
Candida by George Bernard Shaw
Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling
Charmides by Plato
Chemistry 2e: Openstax by Paul Flowers, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Flowers
Chemistry: OpenStax by Paul Flowers, PhD, University of North Carolina - Pembroke, Klaus Theopold, PhD, University of Delaware, Richard Langley, PhD, Stephen F. Austin State University
CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, & Dawn Rymond Paris
Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda Rees Doyle, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology
CLP 2 Integral Calculus by Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, Elyse Yeager Feldman
College Algebra: OpenStax by Jay Abramson, Arizona State University
College Physics: OpenStax by Dr. Paul Peter Urone, California State University Sacramento, Dr. Roger Hinrichs, State University of New York, College at Oswego, Dr. Kim Dirks, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Dr. Manjula Sharma, University of Sydney, Australia
Communication for Business Professionals by David Simon, Michelle Grimes and Shauna Roch Simon
Concept Development Studies in Chemistry by John S Hutchinson, Rice University
Concepts of Biology-1st Canadian Edition by Charles Molnar, Jane Gair, Samantha Fowler, Rebecca Roush, James Wise, Yael Avissar, Jung Choi, Jean DeSaix, Vladimir Jurukovski, Robert Wise, Connie Rye, OpenStax College
Concepts of Biology: OpenStax by Samantha Fowler, Clayton State University , Rebecca Roush, Sandhills Community College, James Wise, Hampton University
Cratylus by Plato
Creative Clinical Teaching In The Health Professions by Sherri Melrose PhD, RN, Athabasca University, Caroline Park PhD, RN, Athabasca University, Beth Perry PhD, RN, Athabasca University
Critias by Plato
Crito by Plato
Database Design-2nd Edition by Adrienne Watt, Douglas College, Nelson Eng, Douglas College
Dead Souls by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Democracy in Brief by United States Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs
Digging into Canadian Soils by Maja Krzic, Frances Walley, Amanda Diochon, Maxime Paré, and Richard Farrell Krzic
Discover Psychology 2.0 - A Brief Introductory Text by Edward Diener, Robert Biswas-Diener (eds)
Dubliners by James Joyce
Edward The Second by Christopher Marlowe
Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective by Richard T. Watson, Pierre Berthon, Leyland F. Pitt, George M. Zinkhan
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems by William F. Trench, Trinity University
eMarketing - The Essential Guide to Online Marketing by Rob Stokes, Saylor Academy
Emergency Response Guidebook 2016 by Transport Canada Canada
Emergency Response Guidebook 2020 by Transport Canada Canada
English Literature: Victorians and Moderns by Dr. James Sexton, Camosun College
Essential Skills Companion Kit for Culinary Arts Trades Training by Marlin Ratch, Francesca de Bastiani, Shelby Desjarlais, Chef Andrew George, Chef Nathan Hyam, Chef Chris Monkman, Jason Forseth
Ethics in Law Enforcement by Steve McCartney, Justice Institute of British Columbia, Rick Parent, Simon Fraser University
Euthydemus by Plato
Euthyphro by Plato
Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
First Aid for Canada by English Wikibooks
Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
forall x: An Introduction to Formal Logic by P.D. Magnus
Frankenstein by Mary Woolstonecraft Godwin Shelley
Fundamentals of Business by Stephen J. Skripak, Richard Parsons, Anastasia Cortes, Anita Walz
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I by Don Johnson, Rice University
Geographic Information System Basics by Jonathan E. Campbell, UCLA, Michael Shin, UCLA
Good Corporation, Bad Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy by Guillermo C. Jimenez, , Elizabeth Pulos; SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Gorgias by Plato
Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals by Graphic Communications Open Textbook Collective, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Hamlet by William Shakespeare Shakespeare
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Hippolytus The Bacchae by Euripides
Human Resource Management by Laura Dias , Shoreline Community College
Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
Human Rights in Brief by United States Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs
ILM TEST PERIOD 1 by Steven Hood Hood
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
Information Systems by Richard T. Watson
Information Systems for Business and Beyond by David T. Bourgeois, Ph.D.
Information Systems for Business and Beyond 2019 by David Boureois, James Smith, Shouhong Wang, Joseph Mortati Boureois
International Trade Theory and Policy by Steve Suranovic Suranovic
Introducing Marketing by John Burnett
Introduction to Economic Analysis OER by Preston McAfee, Tracy Lewis McAfee
Introduction to Financial Accounting - 2021A (Lyryx) by H. Dauderis, D. Annand, T. Jensen, Lyryx Learning Annand
Introduction to Financial Accounting - Second Edition (Revised) by David Annand, Athabasca University
Introduction to Intellectual Property Openstax by David Kline, David Kappos Kline
Introduction to Professional Communications by Melissa Ashman Ashman
Introduction to Psychology by Charles Stangor
Introduction to Psychology - 1st Canadian Edition by Jennifer Walinga, Royal Roads University, Charles Stangor, University of Maryland
Introduction to Sociology - 1st Canadian Edition by William Little, University of Victoria, Ron McGivern, Thompson Rivers University, Nathan Keirns, Zane State College, Eric Strayer, Hartnell College, Heather Griffiths, Fayetteville State University, Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Georgia Perimeter College, Ga
Introduction to Sociology - 2nd Canadian Edition by William Little, Thompson Rivers University, Ron McGivern, Thompson Rivers University, Nathan Keirns, Zane State College , Eric Strayer, Hartnell College, Heather Griffiths, Fayetteville State University, Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Georgia Perimeter Colleg
Introduction to Sociology 2e: OpenStax by Heather Griffiths, Fayetteville State University, Nathan Keirns, Zane State College, Eric Strayer, Hartnell College, Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Georgia Perimeter College, Sally Vyain, Ivy Tech Community College, Gail Scaramuzzo, Lackawanna College, Jeff B
Introduction to sociology 3rd Canadian ed by William Little Little
Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC by Morgan Westcott, LinkBC, Geoffrey Bird, Royal Roads University, Peter Briscoe, Ray Freeman, Royal Roads University, Kelly Glazer, Keith Henry, Terry Hood, Heather Knowles, Micki McCartney, Vancouver Island University, Donna Owens, George Brown Colleg
Introductory Business Statistics by Thomas K. Tiemann, Elon University
Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets - 1st Canadian Edition by Mohammad Mahbobi, Thompson Rivers University, Thomas K. Tiemann, Elon University
Introductory Chemistry by David W. Ball
Introductory Chemistry- 1st Canadian Edition by Jessie A. Key, Vancouver Island University, David W Ball, Cleveland State University
Introductory Statistics: OpenStax by Barbara Illowsky, De Anza College, Susan Dean, De Anza College
Introductory Statistics: Saylor by Douglas S. Shafer, Zhiyi Zhang
Ion by Plato
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Laches by Plato
Laws by Plato
Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing by Dr. Joan Wagner Wagner
Leading Innovation by Kerri Shields SHIELDS
Liberté by Gretchen Angelo
Line A: Safe Work Practices Competency A-1: Control Workplace Hazards by Camosun College
Line A: Safe Work Practices Competency A-3: Handle Hazardous Materials Safely by Camosun College
Line A: Safe Work Practices Competency A-5: Describe Fire Safety by Camosun College
Line A: Safe Work Practices Competency: A-2 Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations by Camosun College
Line A: Safe Work Practices Competency: A-4 Describe Personal Safety Practices by Camosun College
Line B: Employability Skills Competency B-1: Apply Study and Learning Skills by Camosun College
Line B: Employability Skills Competency B-2: Describe Expectations and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees by Camosun College
Line B: Employability Skills Competency B-3: Use Interpersonal Communication Skills by Camosun College
Line B: Employability Skills Competency B-4: Describe the Apprenticeship System by Camosun College
Line C: Tools and Equipment Competency C-1: Describe Common Hand Tools and Their Uses by Camosun College
Line C: Tools and Equipment Competency C-2: Describe Common Power Tools and Their Uses by Camosun College
Line C: Tools and Equipment Competency C-3: Describe Rigging and Hoisting Equipment by Camosun College
Line C: Tools and Equipment Competency C-4: Describe Ladders and Work Platforms by Camosun College
Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-1: Solve Trades Mathematical Problems by Camosun College
Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-2: Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications by Camosun College
Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-3: Read Drawings and Specifications by Camosun College
Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-4: Use Codes, Regulations and Standards by Camosun College
Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-5: Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation by Camosun College
Line D: Organizational Skills Competency D-6: Plan Projects by Camosun College
Line E: Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-1: Describe the Basic Principles of Electricity by Camosun College
Line E: Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-2: Identify Common Circuit Components and Their Symbols by Camosun College
Line E: Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-3: Explain Wiring Connections by Camosun College
Line E: Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-4: Use Multimeters by Camosun College
Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity by Dr. Theodore L. Steinberg, SUNY Fredonia
Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad
Lysis by Plato
Lysistrata by Aristophanes
Macbeth by William Shakespeare Shakespeare
Macroeconomics: Theory through Applications by Russell Cooper, A. Andrew John
Major Barbara by George Bernard Shaw
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Master and Man by Leo Tolstoy
Mastering Strategic Management by Dave Ketchen , Auburn University, Jeremy Short , University of Oklahoma
Mastering Strategic Management-1st Canadian Edition by Janice Edwards, COTR, David Try, NWCC, Dave Ketchen, Auburn University, Jeremy Short ,University of Oklahoma
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare Shakespeare
Meat Cutting and Processing for Food Service by go2HR, The BC Cook Articulation Committee
Media Studies 101 by Dr Erika Pearson, Dr Sy Taffel, Dr Brett Nicholls, Martina Wengenmeir, Khin-Wee Chen, Hazel Phillips, Collette Snowden, Bernard Madill, Jane Ross, Sarah Gallagher, Thelma Fisher, Shah Nister J. Kabir, Maud Ceuterick, Hannah Mettner, Massimiliana Urba
Medicines by Design by US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Menexenus by Plato
Meno by Plato
Metamorphosis A by Franz Kafka
Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
Modern Philosophy by Walter Ott, Alexander Dunn
Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare Shakespeare
Nationalism, Self-determination and Secession by Geoff Andrews, Open University, Michael Saward, Open University
Native Peoples of North America by Dr. Susan Stebbins, Open SUNY
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know by Susan E. Lowey, The College at Brockport, SUNY
Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
Open Data Structures by Pat Morin
OpenStax PreCalculo 2ed by Jay Abramson Abramson
OpenStax PreCalculus 2e by Jay Abramson Abramson
OpenStax Principles of Finance by Julie Dahlquist, Rainford Knight Dalhquist
Organic Chemistry 10ed Openstax by John McMurry McMurry
Organic Chemistry With a Biological Emphasis Volumes I & II by Timothy Soderberg, University of Minnesota
Parmenides by Plato
PERSPECTIVES: AN OPEN INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 2ed by Nina Brown, Thomas McIlwraith, Laura Tubelle de González Brown
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens by J. M. Barrie
Phaedo by Plato
Phaedrus by Plato
Philebus by Plato
Physical Geology by Steven Earle, Thompson Rivers University
Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Survey of Atmospheric Science by Roland Stull, UBC
Precalculus: OpenStax by Jay Abramson, Arizona State University
Precalculus: Stitz Zeager by Carl Stitz, Ph.D., Jeff Zeager, Ph.D.
Presentation Software by ABT Collaborative
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Principles of Economics: OpenStax by Timothy Taylor, Macalester College, Steven A. Greenlaw, University of Mary Washington
Principles of Macroeconomics: OpenStax by Timothy Taylor, Macalester College
Principles of Marketing by Jeff Tanner, Baylor University, Mary Raymond, Clemson University
Principles of Microeconomics: OpenStax by Timothy Taylor, Macalester College
Principles of Microeconomics: Saylor by Libby Rittenberg , Tim Tregarthen
Principles of Social Psychology by Charles Stangor, University of Maryland
Principles of Social Psychology - 1st International Edition by Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Dr. Hammond Tarry, Capilano University, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Dr. Charles Stangor, University of Maryland
Principles of Sociological Inquiry – Qualitative and Quantitative Methods by Amy Blackstone, University Of Maine-ME-Orono
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Release 3.0 by Brad Miller, David Ranum Miller
Project Management by Adrienne Watt
Protagoras by Plato
Psychology 2e: Openstax by Rose M. Spielman, Formerly of Quinnipiac University, Spielman
Psychology: OpenStax by Rose M. Spielman, PhD
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Research Methods in Psychology by Paul Price, California State University, Fresno
Research Methods in Psychology - 2nd Canadian Edition by Dr. Rajiv S. Jhangiani, Dr. I-Chant A. Chiang, Dr. Paul C. Price
Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
Sexuality, the Self, and Society by Susan Rahman, Nathan Bowman, Dahmitra Jackson Rahman
Shakespeare's Sonnets by William Shakespeare
Sociology of Education in Canada by Dr. Karen L. Robson Robson
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World by Steve Barkan, University of Maine
Sophist by Plato
Statesman by Plato
Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice by Kristen A. Munger, Editor, Open SUNY
Strategies for Academic Success by Liv Marken Marken
Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness by Sherri Melrose, Debra Dusome, John Simpson, Cheryl Crocker, Elizabeth Athens
Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation by Tom Theis, University of Illinois, Jonathan Tomkin, University of Illinois
Teaching Autoethnography: Personal Writing in the Classroom by Melissa Tombro, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Teaching in a Digital Age by A.W. (Tony) Bates
Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order 3rd Ed by Jeffrey Russell, Wayne Pferdehirt, John Nelson, Russell
The Antichrist by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
The Birds by Aristophanes
The Canterbury Tales by D. Laing Purves
The Clouds by Aristophanes
The Communist Manifesto by Friedrich Engels
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare Shakespeare
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
The Devil's Disciple by George Bernard Shaw
The Frogs by Aristophanes
The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
The Iliad of Homer by Homer Homer
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African Written By Himself by Olaudah Equiano Equiano
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
The NGO Handbook by Hilary Binder-Aviles
The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies by Chris Bobel, Inga T. Winkler, Breanne Fahs, Katie Ann Hasson, Elizabeth Arveda Kissling, Tomi-Ann Roberts Bobel
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
The Rainbow by D H Lawrence Lawrence
The Republic of Plato by Plato Plato
The Satyricon by Petronius Arbiter
The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett Burnett
The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by Sir John Mandeville
The Trial by Franz Kafka
The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare
The Word on College Reading and Writing by Monique Babin, Carol Burnell, Susan Pesznecker, Nicole Rosevear, Jaime Wood Babim
The Works of Aphra Behn Vol V by Aphra Behn Behn
The Works of Aristotle by Aristotle
Theaetetus by Plato
Timaeus by Plato
Trois Contes by Gustav Flaubert
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
U.S. History: OpenStax by P. Scott Corbett, PhD - Ventura College, Volker Janssen, PhD - California State University-Fullerton, John M. Lund, PhD - Keene State College, Todd Pfannestiel, PhD - Clarion University, Paul Vickery, PhD - Oral Roberts University, Sylvie Waskiewicz,
Ulysses by James Joyce
Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
Understanding Media and Culture by Jack Lule, Lehigh University
University Physics Volume 1: OpenStax by Samuel J. Ling, Truman State University, Jeff Sanny, Loyola Marymount University, William Moebs (retired), Loyola Marymount University
University Physics Volume 2: OpenStax by Samuel J. Ling, Truman State University, Jeff Sanny, Loyola Marymount University, William Moebs (retired), Loyola Marymount University
University Physics Volume 3: OpenStax by Samuel J. Ling, Truman State University, Jeff Sanny, Loyola Marymount University, William Moebs (retired), Loyola Marymount University
University Success by N. Mahoney, B. Klassen, M. D'Eon
Walden and On The Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
What Maisie Knew by Henry James
Women in the World Today by United States Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs
Working in the Food Service Industry by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, go2HR
Writing for Digital Media by Cara Miller Miller
Writing for Strategic Communication Industries by Jasmine Roberts, The Ohio State University
Writing for Success by Scott McLean
Writing for Success 1st Canadian Edition by Tara Horkoff, Scott McLean
Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence by Amy Guptill, The College at Brockport, SUNY
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
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