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Supplement 1965 to A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada / Supplément 1965 de Bibliographie de L'Enseighnement Supérieur au Canada

Supplement 1965 to A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada / Supplément 1965 de Bibliographie de L'Enseighnement Supérieur au Canada
Author: Harris, Robin S.
Price: $28.95
ISBN-10: 1442615230
ISBN-13: 9781442615236
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Delivery: BibliU Reader
Duration: Lifetime

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This Supplement to the 1960 Bibliography by Harris and Tremblay adds some 3,500 entries to the approximately 4,000 listed in the first volume, providing a full list of articles, books, pamphlets, and theses bearing on all aspects of higher education in Canada for the period 1959-1963.