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John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and A Compilation of His Main Writings: Volume II: Statement of Some New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy (reprinted)

John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and A Compilation of His Main Writings: Volume II: Statement of Some New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy (reprinted)
Author: James, R. Warren
Price: $56.00
ISBN-10: 1487599919
ISBN-13: 9781487599911
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Delivery: BibliU Reader
Duration: Lifetime

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Volume II is a reprint of Rae's Statement of New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy, originally published in1834. With the reissue of this book, modern students of economics will be better able to appreciate Rae's fundamental contribution to the development of economic thought, particularly the theory of capital.