This is an introduction to the New Testament portrayals of Jesus of Nazareth. Analysis of editorial emphases by each author gives access to the ways Jesus is characterized.
This is an introductory guide to the ways Jesus is depicted in the New Testament. Both college students and the general reader will find here a variety of New Testament understandings of Jesus that are rooted in critical reading of the four Gospels and Pauline letters.
Underlining these particular portrayals is the historical Jesus, a prophet mighty in word and deed who challenged the people running the Temple state. This new addition gives attention to his historical context and adds to a realistic understanding of this most studied book and person.
This work presumes neither religious faith nor lack of faith; its aim is to inform and to give the readers portraits as synthetic balance to the vital work of analysis. Ideally, this book should be read with a copy of the New Testament at hand to answer questions and to test the assertions of reader and author.