Crossing Racial Borders: The Epistemic Empowerment of the Subaltern explores critically the racial, socioeconomic, historical, and political contemporary conditions of the lived experiences of the subaltern, the oppressed. Through the lens of the decolonial school of thought developed by Latin American thinkers and scholars, this text focuses on the identification and analysis of the subalterns’ praxis of living, thinking, knowing, and doing. The contributors delve into the subalterns’ agency at work and how their [inter]subjective/reflective actions, gestures, and thoughts are deep-seated in subverting and resisting the material and symbolic coloniality of power's exploitation, categorization, and oppression. Drawing from sociological, anthropological, literary, and historical approaches, a new set of ideas and rationalities uncovers and challenges the complicities of modernity/coloniality (power-pattern-matrix) through new narratives and discursive epistemic-frames of empowerment and agency.