Music Farther Outside: Experimental Music During Brexit and the Pandemic examines the work of select composers, improvisers, and interpreters from England, Scotland, and Wales during the upheaval of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic and places them in contemporary and historical contexts. Using extensive interviews and contemporary commentary, the book provides a snapshot of composers and performers as they grappled with both the baseline challenges of creating experimental music and the unprecedented struggles imposed by lockdowns and restricted gatherings.
Bill Shoemaker profiles a wide cast of subjects, diverse in terms of gender, race, orientation, and geographic location: the London Improvisers Orchestra, Philip Thomas, Pat Thomas, Richard Barrett, Elaine Mitchener, Rachel Musson, Corey Mwamba, Charlotte Keeffe, and the Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra. Music Farther Outside enhances our understanding of experimental music and its role in evolving multiculturalism.