In this detailed and comprehensive study of concepts from Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of time, Tromans undertakes a series of practice as research projects that reformulate Deleuze’s work via what Tromans calls a “musical-philosophical” practice. Tromans interweaves his own solo-piano improvisation and composition with analyses of his and others’ works in improvisation and experimental musics, leading to the creation of new, interdisciplinary concept or conceptual practice that he calls Rhythmicity: a way to rethink the temporal in respect of how we model its movements and relationships. Through the models of temporal interaction devised via each project, Deleuze’s concepts are transformed via their incorporation into the musical-philosophical mix. In addition, music improvisation and composition are shown to be utilisable for more than the making of music alone, with the thesis providing fresh insight for the fields of practice as research in music, Deleuze studies, experimental music, and Performance Philosophy in respect of its uniqueness of process and output.